Professional security for events

I.S.S. is the perfect partner for all questions relating to the protection of your event. Whether it’s an open-air event, congress or party, we achieve optimal protection through comprehensive planning. Our goal is to minimize your liability risk and at the same time to ensure completely satisfied guests.

Our service starts with the entrance. Our employees are often the first point of contact for your guests and we know how important this key function is. We adapt to the ambience of your event and attach particular importance to friendliness and willingness to help your guests. In the event of conflicts and dangerous situations, we intervene with diplomatic skill in order to make your event a success.


Please contact us by phone if you have any questions about our services.

I.S.S. Security
Große Bergstraße 142, 22767 Hamburg
Postfach 720131
22151 Hamburg

Mobil: +49 (0) 172 / 408 86 62
Tel: 040 / 607 737 490

If you need more information about I.S.S. please send a short e-mail to